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  • Couples Workshop

    The Hold Me Tight Workshop is designed for couples who are looking to build a deeper emotional connection, intimacy, and to better understand the core of their conflict. 

    In the workshop, you will learn the negative cycle that you are stuck in, understand the “pain points” in the relationship, understand the core emotion that is driving each of you to do what you do, and understand yourself and your partner better. 

    Distressed partners may use different words but they are always asking the same basic questions, Are you there for me? Do I matter to you? Will you come when I need you? Love is the best survival mechanism there is, and to feel emotionally cutoff from a partner, disconnected, is terrifying”- Sue Johnson 

    This workshop facilitates 7 conversations

    "The Demon Dialogues"

    This conversation will help you understand the negative cycle in your relationship that creates the disconnect. You will each learn how you unintentionally contribute to the cycle that creates distance. 

    "Finding the Raw Spots"

    Learning the “tender spots” in the relationship that ends up triggering conflict.

    "Revisiting a Rocky Moment"

    Looking at a moment in the relationship where you felt the cycle come to life and discuss what a new positive cycle would look like, 

    Hold me Tight

    Accessing your deeper more vulnerable feelings 

    Forgiving Injuries

    Repairing from injuries that happened in your relationship by sharing and discussing your primary vulnerable feelings. 

    Bonding through Sex and Touch

    Learning about the interconnectedness of emotion and sex. 

    Keeping your Love Alive

    Discussing how you can continue to feel safe, close, and connected moving forward. 

    Sign up!

    Dates: Day 1: November 16th: 9:00-12:00 break then 1:00-4:00 

    Day 2: November 17th:  9:00-12:00 break then 1:00-4:00

    Hold Me Tight- Workshop for couples

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